Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Wedding Singer

3.5/4 stars

The problem with seeing The Wedding Singer about ten years late as I have done is that it's one of those movies that people like to quote at you, so I'm experiencing the disillusionment of discovering where some of my friends who I formerly thought were just clever actually get their material. Truthfully though, the movie is funny, can you blame them? Aside from that there's not much to say. I've stated in the past that Drew Barrymore is about the most charming leading woman you could ask for in this type of movie, and the soundtrack happened to fucking awesome (okay, I just really love Everyday I Write the Book). But it's nine and a half years too late for this review to tell anybody anything they didn't already know, making it... somewhat pointless.

Written June 29, 2008.

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