Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Bee Movie

3/4 stars

This is actually a pretty funny movie, and Seinfeld's distinctive observational comedic stylings make a welcome and refreshing return (in his first big project since his eponymous TV show ended ten years ago). His particular form of humor actually adapts quite well into an animated family comedy, and doesn't even really clash with the rest of what's going on. No, the problem with this movie, if I had to name one, is its constantly goal-shifting convoluted plot. I know that you enter a movie like this with certain lowered expectations about believability. What I'm saying is that Bee Movie still strains credibility even in that context. It starts as a (very) offbeat romance, turns into a sort of David and Goliath legal farce and ends as something else altogether. The audience is expected to adjust its desired outcome altogether too many times. Given that, it's still a fairly enjoyable ride.

Written April 17, 2008.

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